Is it easy to use a football shirt frame kit? 

If you are looking for a football shirt frame kit and wondered if it is easy to use a football shirt frame kit then you will be spoilt for choice if you do a quick Google search. When it comes to football shirt framing there are two main questions that customers ask:

Is it easy to use a football shirt frame kit?
What type of football shirt frame kit do I need?

As with anything to do with DIY, there are pros and cons to bear in mind. Yes, there are plenty of DIY framing kits on the market. On one hand, they will offer step-by-step instructions which are relatively easy to follow. On the other hand, there is a reason that professional tradespeople exist; if you want any job done to a professional standard then it pays to enlist the services of the experts in a particular field.

However, one of the main advantages of doing something yourself is that you will save money. Bear in mind though that framing a football shirt is quite a fiddly and precise task – and as you are basically framing a prized possession for display, you will want your frame for the football shirt to look perfect, not just okay.

At the end of the day, it’s up to you. If you consider yourself to be fairly confident with DIY and pretty good with your hands, there’s no reason not to use a football shirt frame kit. If you’re not so confident and you want the peace of mind that hiring a professional brings, hire a football framing service to do it for you?

What type of football shirt frame do you need? 

Getting the frame right is important when it comes to football shirt framing. Obviously, you will want it to look stylish and also be durable and hard-wearing. But a signed football shirt needs more than this. It needs to have glass that not only keeps the visibility of the shirt clear, but the frame also needs to be resistant to UV rays and heat. If you are planning to display your signed football shirt frame in any space in the home with plenty of natural light, or a spot that faces direct sunlight at some point in the day, glass is not a great option. Otherwise, the shirt’s colours will fade over time. It’s also worth remembering that the frame also needs to provide a layer of protection against moisture and dust.

Feel free to get in touch with the team at FOOTBALL SHIRT FRAMES for more football shirt framing advice.

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